Category Archives: Back to School

The Children’s Place 2014 Back to School Collection


childrens place CollageEveryone is gearing up for their kids going back to school and I’ve been on the lookout for new clothes that my kids will love. The older two are starting school in less than two weeks and need some new fall and winter clothes so I headed out to the Children’s Place to see what’s new. Read the rest of this entry

Prevent the “Summer Slide” With School Zone Workbooks


448x448x06314_3-13_c2013.png.pagespeed.ic.reTXtTEOKUWe’re in mid-June and I am so ready for summer vacation to begin. I’m looking forward to all of the fun activities planned, but I am also very much aware of the “summer slide” and having to play “catch up” when the new school year begins. I believe that it is crucial for kids to not only continue to practice what they’ve learned in the past year, but to also learn new things and challenge themselves during the summer months. This is why a good workbook is a summer must-have. School Zone is a company that offers workbooks, flashcards, software and other study aids to help kids learn in a fun way. Read the rest of this entry